Training housewives/senior citizens with free basic computer courses and then felicitating them through National leaders of the ruling party have raised the self-esteem and pride of the common housewives/senior citizens, and their families for the respect and honor they were given for allowing their daughters/daughter-in-law to attend the free basic computer course run by Shree Gauranga’s Foundation Trust.

To enable us to continue doing the work, to help sustain our organization and allow it to continue its work. We urge you to consider Shree Gauranga’s Foundation Trust to be one of the beneficiaries of your generosity. We request if you make a monthly or annual contribution of any amount of your choice, Alternatively, we would also appreciate a one-time donation of any amount you choose.

Every dollar you donate will directly go towards our projects and any donation you make is fully tax-deductible in the USA.





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